Author: Martin Söderberg

Health & Sports Technology Initiative in European report 2022 by Sportstechx

Health and Sports Technology Initiative one of only two Swedish companies or programs mentioned in any of the categories Investors, Programs, and Initiatives.

Stina Lundgren Högbom, Global relationship Manager of Health & Sports Technology Initiative – citated in the report:

During 2022 my advice would be to stay focused, keep moving
forward and be ready to take that consultant gig, so you will survive
2022 even though you don’t get that funding you thought. I do
hope I am wrong but as it is now 2022 seems to be a year of
uncertainty especially for angels. You want to be ready and stay
ahead as the world around us starts to mature and understand the
power of SportsTech and how knowledge can be used in many
more areas than just sport.

Here you can read more about the report: SportsTechX European Report 2022

Sports Tech – a Swedish future industry

The entire sports industry is changing, from being a manufacturing industry to also being based on digital tools. A new sector has emerged, “sports tech”, which can be described as the intersection between sports and technology. It is a complex mix of solutions used, for example, to support elite players to perform at the highest level or for attendance management at football training. Does disruptive technology have the potential to revolutionize the entire sports sector?

In a new report “Swedish sports tech – Top three in Europe”, the authors describe the trends in Sports Tech, based on the latest research.

The webinar discusses:

  • How can sports-based entrepreneurship contribute to Swedish growth?
  • What are the success factors behind startup companies in sports tech?
  • What does the investment climate look like for the sports tech sector? What policy measures are needed to strengthen the sector

the webinar is held in Swedish!

The report is written by:

  • Stina Lundgren Högbom, fil. dr at KI, Global Relationship Manager at Health and Sports Technology Initiative, Blekinge
  • C. Mikael Mattsson, med. dr. at KI, digital health expert at RISE, project manager for the Health and Sports Technology Initiative, Blekinge, and founder Svexa
  • Benjamin Penkert, founder of SportsTechX

For more information and registration

Seminar – Swedish Network for Sports Tech and Analytics

Dalarna University together with KTH Royal Institute of Technology are happy to invite you to the third seminar 2021 for Swedish Network for Sports Tech and Analytics.

In Sweden, there are many institutions at leading universities that conduct research in different aspects of Sports Technology. The purpose of these seminars is for researchers to describe and translate their research into practically relevant knowledge for the Sports Industry. Through these seminars, we will start to intertwine the collective knowledge and build the Swedish Network for Sports Tech and Analytics.

Seminar programme:


Introduction and Welcome – Mikael Swarén


Head Impact Monitors – do they work and
how do we use them? (Mikael Swarén, Dalarna University)3


Leg stretch


Computer Models to Better Understand and Prevent Head Injuries in Sports. (Madeleine Fahlstedt, KTH)


Discussions in breakout-rooms


Wrap up and summary

The seminar will be held digitally. Sign up is mandatory.
Sign up here:
Swedish Network for Sports Tech and Analytics

Workshop – Lyft folkhälsan i Blekinge

Den passion som finns inom idrottsföreningar, hos dess aktiva och andra aktörer inom sport, hälsa och natur vill vi ta vara på för att skapa affärsnytta och folkhälsa inom regionen. Hur kan vi tillsammans utveckla och förstärka näringslivet i Blekinge med våra idéer.
Under denna workshop bjuds du in till att bli inspirerad av lyckade exempel på samarbeten mellan frilufts-, förenings- och näringsliv, få kunskap om vilket stöd som finns inom regionen för att skapa företag, samt testa på hur vi kan skapa nya spännande idéer som kan förvandlas till innovativa lösningar.

Måndag 8 november kl. 17∶00–18∶30 Evenemanget sker i hybrid form på BTH, Campus Karlshamn (Ateljén) eller digitalt. Anmälan:

Program för workshop


  • Health and Sports Technology Initiative (Martin Söderberg) hälsar välkomna
  • RF-SISU Blekinge (Mathias Roos) ”Hur den ideella föreningen kan stötta folkhälsan samtidigt som den hittar sin plats i det kommersiella samhället.”
  • Blekinge Arkipelag (Mattias Holmquist) ”Blekinge Arkipelag i navet mellan frilufts-, förenings- och näringsliv”
  • Olofströms kommun/Länsstyrelsen Blekinge (Daniel Ottosson) Sveriges Friluftskommun x 2 – vad betyder satsningar på friluftsliv för föreningsliv och företagande?
  • Blekinge Business Incubator (Anna Nyström) Innovation Office, BTH (Kennet Henningsson) Presentation av vilka stöd för affärsutveckling som finns i regionen.


  • Idégenerering i mindre grupper Anna Nyström från BBI och Kennet från BTH ger oss verktyg för att inspireras till nya idéer och sätt att tänka.


  • Återsamling och avslut.

Health & Sports Technology Initiative as Event network partner to Nordic Sports Innovation Summit

We are proud to be Event Network Partners of the first Nordic Sports Innovation Summit on the 26th of August 2021 in Odense, DK.

Co-organized and hosted by The Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics at Syddansk Universitet – University of Southern Denmark and Sports Lab Copenhagen, the summit brings together academia, businesses, sports organisations, the public sector, and civil society for a day focused on innovation in sports rooted in the Nordic values. It will exemplify the Nordic approach to a healthy lifestyle and environmentally aware, well-integrated, inclusive, socially and physically active communities.
We have a great line-up of confirmed world-class keynote speakers and panellists, which will provide insights into the latest research, current state and future of sports innovation, as well as an innovation showcase area, where you will be able to experience cutting-edge technology.
Take-aways from the summit will be:
– The latest trends and innovations from inside the sports industry,
– Presentations of ideas utilizing cutting-edge knowledge and technology,
– Networking between trendsetters, influencers and the most innovative researchers and entrepreneurs in the sports industry.

More info and Register with the link in the comments

Link to add:

Entreprenörsfrukost – Sports Tech

Health & Sports Technology Initiative tillsammans med samverkande parter bjuder in dig till Entreprenörsfrukost – Sports Tech.

Vi kommer få lyssna och inspireras av tre framgångsrika svenska Sports Tech företag och få höra deras resa med misslyckande, hinder samt succé och framgång!

Företagen som medverkar med sina resor är:

Composite talks by SWE-CIC

Every year there are new world records. Athletes cycle faster, jump higher and hit harder and more precise. Are we slowly becoming super humas? Or does the equipment we use enhance our performance? Andreas Martsman, co-founder and business developer at Oxeon will share his story about their material TexTreme and how they work with outperforming and innovative composites solutions.

What has the enhancement of the equipment meant for ice hockey? Warrior Sports are changing the game through fibre composites and Jonas Karlson will tell us their story.

Bicycles has evolved and new materials has lead to higher performance. Aerospace Engineer and former Bicycle R&D Manager Andrea Valenza will take us through a brief history and discuss the pros and cons of fiber composites in bike design.

Reserve your spot now!
Composite talks by SWE-CIC Get inspired by the dialog between designer, product developers and material producers. Listen to the people who is in the forefront of new materials that makes the impossible possible. Composite Talks by SWE-CIC is a webinar series that will inspire you and bring new insights.

sign up to participate…/swecic/compositetalksbyswecic.2